About MIAA


Municipal Internal Auditors Association of Ontario (MIAA) provides education and networking opportunities to its membership which includes over 40 audit groups from municipalities, local school boards and police services across Ontario and other provinces.

Mission Statement

The purpose of the Association is to provide a professional forum and network for members and their employees that engage in auditing and related activities in their organization.

Our Purpose

  • To continually enhance the municipal internal audit profile by promoting the interests of members in performing their roles and responsibilities.
  • To provide a forum and network where issues pertaining to audit services and related activities can be discussed and where members can collaborate on resolving those issues.
  • To provide relevant training, develop skills, and increase the knowledge and expertise of employees of members.
  • To reply to proposals by other groups, other levels of government, other government agencies, etc. on matters related to audit services and related activities in their organization.
  • To promote industry best practices, professional standards and ethical conduct in the municipal internal audit sector.

MIAA Constitution and Bylaws Approved Virtually December 1, 2022

MIAA Executive Officer Roles and Responsibilities – December 9, 2021

MIAA Executive

Role Name Email Address
Chair John Tyson chair@miaa.ca
Vice Chair Anil Bux vicechair@miaa.ca
Treasurer Shelley Ramessar treasurer@miaa.ca
Secretary Rajni Deshpande secretary@miaa.ca
Program Director Cory Richardson program@miaa.ca
Program Coordinator Jayrani Bungsy programcoordinator@miaa.ca
Workshop Director Sarah MacGregor workshopdirector@miaa.ca
Workshop Coordinator Isaac Agyemang workshopcoordinator@miaa.ca
Membership Director Chong Ta membership@miaa.ca
Webmaster Vandana Waghela webmaster@miaa.ca
Past President (2024) David Fanone pastchair@miaa.ca